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Eric Openshaw at ESO Audio Arts

ESO Audio Arts

Who: Eric Openshaw
What: Producer, Engineer, Studio Owner, Musician
Where: Salt Lake City, Utah
Gear: JDK R22

From the Front:

"Upon receiving the JDK R22 I was astonished at the clarity of the compression. Like the API 2500, the R22 had a gluing effect that really aids in bringing together instrumentation — while also providing a separation only in the desirable areas — especially with the Thrust feature enabled. The Thrust feature created a depth to the compression, which I feel has been missing in my mixes and my stereo buss for as long as I can remember. The R22 has its own vibe though. Somewhere between vintage and modern compression that lends itself to a desirable tonality, and only very slight coloration, that makes for big open mixes, and even masters.

"Like any good stereo compressor, the link feature is always appreciated, and the R22's link is fantastic in correcting phase and compression coherency, while providing the RMS summing. But interestingly enough, I find the R22 thrives on working on separation of the stereo field while being unlinked, highlighting the stereo field's dynamics in a way that many other stereo compressors in this price range, set to slightly different values, seem too often to leave too much to the imagination, create an unwanted swooshing effect in the stereo field, or just don't work.

"While mixing for a rock band recently, I noticed with the Thrust feature enabled, that the top end was still able to breathe while the low frequency instruments starting sitting nicely with each other, in which case the R22 gave a very nice and clear separation between the high frequency and low frequency instruments that sometimes need that extra separation to define, like guitar tones, for example."

About ESO Audio Arts:

ESO Audio Arts is a full service recording studio in Salt Lake City, UT that offers recording, producing, mixing and mastering on everything from full bands to voice-over work, family history to sound bytes.

Contact: www.esoaudioarts.com
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