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Max Desmarais at Bridgehead Studio

Bridgehead Studio

Who: Max Desmarais
What: Owner, Chief Engineer
Where: Montreal, Quebec
Gear: R20, R22, R24, API Waves plug-ins

From the Front:

"When I started my new studio about a year ago, I was looking to get the most sonic bang for my start-up dollar. I needed versatility, quality sound and affordability. But I didn't want anything that could be classified as "budget gear." I'm allergic to "cheap" stuff. My initial reason for trying JDK was because it seemed to represent the absolute best price-to-quality ratio available on the market.

"I gave the R20 a shot as my first good mic pre and I was not disappointed. I needed something versatile and smooth, and that's what I got. It's now my go-to 'clean' mic pre and is my standard for drum overheads since I can use the pad to attenuate aggressive drummers. I also like to use it to achieve a sparkling acoustic guitar sound.

"After my experience with the R20, it was a no-brainer for me to get the R24 equalizer. This unit pleased me even more. This EQ actually saved a mix for me once with a few delicate well-placed bumps and cuts. My favorite use for the R24 is to put it on my two-mix bus near the end of a mix to sweeten it and make small adjustments. It's also an automatic insert when an artist brings in a prerecorded track to sing to; I can use the R24 to fit the music track to the voice and improve its sonic character. Now, pretty much every song I mix leaves through the R24.

"Already happy with the first two JDK units, I was excited when the R22 compressor was announced! It's my favorite piece of my 'R collection' by far — I want two! It's very easy to coax great sound out of the R22. I track with it on soft knee when I need a smooth compression on a stereo acoustic guitar or an intimate vocal; flipping the THRUST® switch instantly makes the bass guitar sound more assertive in live recordings. I only have two outboard compressors, but the R22 makes me feel like I have plenty of choices for tracking compression. In a mix, the R22 is mandatory on my drum sub for the power, attack and thump it adds to the kit. I don't know of any other compressor out there that provides that kind of versatility, ease of use, sonic quality, two channels with stereo link-ability, all at a price that makes it easy to add one, or two, to a studio's arsenal. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for the next product release from JDK — their products are most certainly must-haves for me now."

About Bridgehead Studio:

Founded a year ago by owner and engineer Max Desmarais, Bridgehead Studio is a small facility located in Montreal specializing in recording local folk, rock and pop acts. According to Desmarais, the studio offers clients a warm and welcoming professional environment and, importantly, budget-friendly services without drastically compromising sound quality. Bridgehead Studio was originally a recording facility for Desmarais (who is also a musician, singer and songwriter) to track his original songs, but has since been called home by a number of local independent and unsigned acts, including Benoist Guesdon, Élam and Mysta B.

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